No click incentive
10 Points per dollar spent

10.029% Clickthru Rate
0.466% Conversions Per Unique Clicks

4-22-2010 – Walmart

No click incentive
25 Points to request free brochure

2.949% Clickthru Rate
Automatically signed up upon clickthru

No click incentive
15 Points to sign up for Click ‘n Save Newsletter

1.503% Clickthru Rate
Automatically signed up upon clickthru

5-Point click incentive
15 Points to sign up

7.690% Clickthru Rate
12.239% Conversions Per Unique Clicks

11-30-2009 – Groupon

Creative did not launch.

5-Point click incentive
5 Points per dollar spent

21.270% Clickthru Rate
0.151% Conversions Per Unique Clicks

5-Point click incentive
No backend incentive

11.327% Clickthru Rate

5-Point click incentive
1,000 Points to sign up

6.664% Clickthru Rate
0.480% Conversions Per Unique Clicks

Creative did not launch.

Creative did not launch.